16-18 March 2016
Last few decades witnessed unprecedented changes in varied spheres of economies and societies in the developing world. This was induced, among others, by technological and institutional innovations resulting in increased integration among countries. In the emerging context of globalization international competitiveness remains the sole means of survival. Instances of high rates of growth even in large developing countries under globalization suggest that achieving faster economic growth is within the reach of developing world. However, along with the episodes of high growth, there has been growing inequality at all levels and over-exploitation of exhaustible resources. The emerging challenge, therefore, is to accomplish sustainable development and competitiveness from a broader perspective of economy, ecology and society, which is the focus of United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The third Indialics conference, organised by Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum (CDS) and Research and Information Systems for Developing Countries (RIS), New Delhi aims at exploring the role of innovation in its broad sense (technological, institutional and organizational) in addressing this new development challenge of achieving inclusive and sustainable development.
INDIALICS is the India chapter of Globelics – an international network of scholars who apply the concept of Learning, Innovation and Competence building System (LICS) as a framework for promoting inclusive and sustainable development in developing countries, emerging economies and societies in transition.
The organizers of the conference invite unpublished articles that involve theoretically informed empirical analysis of the role of innovation, including frugal and below the radar innovations, in addressing exclusion and unsustainable development in any sectors of the economy and sections of society. Topics of interest include, but not limited to;
1.Innovation system for inclusive and sustainable development of agriculture including plantation crops.
2.Industry studies on innovation, including the use of new technologies like ICT, for sustainable competitiveness and inclusive development in manufacturing inter alia through employment generation, value addition, moving up the global value chain, internalizing externalities along with development of low carbon energy sources.
3.Institutional, organizational and governance innovations for building inclusive development with focus on health, education, gender and other social issues.
Those interested may submit an extended abstract (1000 words) or full paper to indialics2016@cds.edu
Important Dates
Submission of abstracts 15/12/2015
Decision on the abstracts 20/12/ 2015
Deadline for full paper 10/03/2016
Conference 16-18 March 2016
Travel support (domestic) and local hospitality will be offered to those with accepted abstracts. Selected articles will be first published in Innovation and Development (Routledge) after peer review and subsequently in an edited volume.
Accepted papers focusing on plantation crops (tea, coffee, rubber and spices) in India will be considered for a modest honorarium from the National Research Programme on Plantation Development (NRPPD) at CDS, sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce.